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Writer's pictureKevin Green

The 20th annual New England Fathering Conference will be in Springfield, Massachusetts on March 13th

The 20th Annual New England Fathering Conference (NEFC) is happening again this March 2019 on the 13th, 14th & 15th, at the Springfield Sheraton, in our hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts. Since 1999 the NEFC has been inviting fathers, father advocates, educators, family service providers, social workers, health professionals, program directors, state and federal representatives, and others to participate in the conference. In the past, the conference has had many dynamic workshops, speakers and presenters that have displayed incredible work around responsible fatherhood. This year we expect the NEFC to be phenomenal once again!!!


For the past four years I have served on the Family Advisory Committee (FAC) for the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, as a representative for Western Massachusetts. I am happy to announce that the Division of Community Engagement of DCF has once again sponsored some participants from Springfield, Massachusetts to attend the 20th Annual New England Fatherhood Conference.

The purpose of the FAC is to engage a diverse group of individuals to work with DCF in order to provide counsel to the department. FAC is comprised of foster/adoptive families, and families who had former involvement with DCF, individuals who were involved as youth and community members invested in the safety and wellbeing of children across the commonwealth.

The Department makes its decision-making process transparent by engaging community members in the review of new initiatives. The FAC provides the opportunity for parents and other community members to have input into the development of practice and programs that affects families. The FAC builds mutual accountability between DCF and families it serves by creating opportunities for dialogue and learning from both perspectives.

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