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Written by Kevin Green

There are 2.7 Million Children with a Parent in Prison or Jail and Ninety-two percent (92%) of Paren

Video clip: For Colored Boys Redemption by Stacy Muhammad

Family Separation

Today, more than any other population in the United States, African Americans are unfairly targeted and criminalized by the criminal justice system. No other system shows this continued exploitation better than the American prisons and the criminal justice system. Research indicates that one and every nine black children in America has a parent in jail. Despite African Americans only representing 13% of the population of the United States, 40% of the prison population is black.

Reconciliation through Mediation Services

While there is much attention regarding children being separated from their families at the border; there is not much attention being paid to family separation due to mass incarceration in urban communities all across the United States. Nevertheless, we at Seeds of a Father have plans to reconcile fathers back unto their children and families by providing much needed mediation services. The effects of fathers being separated from their families has caused major trauma and other adverse childhood experiences that are extremely devastating to fathers, families and communities.

The Mediation & Training Collaborative

TMTC was established in 1987, as an nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals, families, businesses and community organizations resolve disputes and increase their capacity for effective communication and conflict resolution.

The Mediation & Training Collaborative 393 Main Street, 4th floor Greenfield, MA 01301 (413) 774-7469

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